Words of the Week
- advent
- ambergris
- antimacassar
- apocalypse
- badger
- ballot
- bereft
- cakewalk
- Catherine wheel
- cicatrice
- dinkle
- drive
- drought
- dutchman
- George
- gloaming
- grout
- hiatus
- incunabula
- juror
- meretricious
- marmalade
- marooned
- miss
- mondegreen
- monocoque
- nice
- parablepsis
- pedipalp
- peduncle
- petrichor
- prime
- protest
- rapture
- resolution
- rodomontade
- scribblatory
- sprocket
- squash
- susurrus
- swelter
- tax
- ungulate
- vermin
- zambazo